I seriously feel like I am going crazy, cuckoo, looney tunes etc...It is killing me that we are in living out of a little more than suitcases and boxes until our house hunt is over. Can we just find something already! I love my husband but I do not want to spend every waking hour of the day with him, nor do I want to drive all over after looking at place after place. I just want some of my own space! I haven't even been returning phone calls, sorry to those of you I have not called back. I must however say that on the flip side I am EXTREMELY APPRECIATIVE for being back "home", being close to my family and friends again, having the opportunity to explore my desire to pursue jewelry design full-time, and overall just the time to create. I feel very angsty when I cannot create or have no outlet in which to be creative, regardless of what medium it may be. I must also say that I know that this is a very small concern in comparison to the other things that are going on in the world. I am forever a bleeding heart and those that know me know that.
Well it really has been quite awhile since I last posted. So let me give you all the 411 on what On A Whim Jewelry has been up to...
We last left off when we were submitting items in one of the Sundance Gifting Lounges through the Indie Exhibit. It was overall a really great experience and provided much insight into what hard work goes into branding and promoting your art, items, etc. After some difficulties (really say procrastination on my part), I ran all over Phoenix/Glendale looking for the items I needed for my perfect packaging..Needless to say that was a total crap shoot but a learning experience nonetheless. I ended up with Purple and Black bags that I hand tied ribbon around. They looked good but not as how I first envisioned. Lesson learned. I have been brainstorming other packaging options. I want to do something cute, affordable and something that someone could re-use if they wanted. Either way working on some new packaging ideas....Hope to find some new sourcing ideas. The shipping process was a whole different learning experience. Finding boxes to fit all 45 bags, getting them in without smashing the bags, hoping the bags arrive the same way as I packed them etc....All in all everything arrived fine so there was no reason for worry. Great experience overall. I have some pics posted on my facebook page if you are interested in checking out. I won't count out participating in another awards show/festival...
Once we get settled here in the PNW I will be focusing on getting the studio functional and working on the online aspect for the store. I am so anxious to get started with this! I have been looking into some possible art classes at the colleges around here also. Who knows what the future may hold. I am going to be optimistic, hopeful, and most importantly POSITIVE on those rough days :)
As always thank you so much for reading this and providing support as well as listening to my senseless ramblings. I hope you are all living out your dreams!