Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Here's to 2011...so long 2010

Well it has been awhile since I last blogged. Where to start.....Well I made one of the biggest decisions of my life recently. One I had mulled over for a VERY long time. I have longed dreamed of of leaving my comfortable 60K a year corporate retail job. Crazy I know, especially after being with them for 9 years! My family asked me if I had lost my mind, my husband was like "you want to do what?", and my friends were incredibly supportive! So here I am starting off the new year as my own boss, trying to build my own business doing what I love. So 2011 will be all about making my dream come true and creating a successful future and business. On A Whim Jewelry has big things in store!

Husband and I will be moving back to the PNW in early March. Once there we will focus on doing shows, bridal fairs, home parties and starting our online bead store. So the next few months will be very busy preparing for the move and working on the business needs. So grateful to be able to do this so I am not complaining. I must give a Thank You to my husband for his support and encouragement. It has been so nice to actually have time to spend with him and not be on any type of schedule. We have enjoyed a few outings and I look forward to us being able to pick up and go if we want to more often :)

I have to say that after reflecting on many things this past year I feel like I have a better understanding of what happiness is to me. What is TRULY important and what I can live without. We get so attached to "things" that hold no value or bring little joy aside from the initial "I want and must have". I have wasted so much $ on "things" I DO NOT NEED. So part of leaving my job was also a personal challenge on doing more with less and making it ALL count. So there will be plenty of challenging things I will need to give up on or have less of but overall I feel like this is really going to make me appreciate much more in my life. I look forward to being a better person, friend and wife in 2011. Working full time and being stressed out 24/7 really challenged my abilities especially with being a good wife. Adios to all of that unhealthy stress!!

This week we are shipping off our items to be part of one of the gifting lounges at the Sundance Film Festival. This had been so exciting but stressful and I hope that it all pays off in the end. Tying up the last details with that and we should have some really fun new creations to share.

I can't wait to learn some new techniques. I am going to be taking some classes here soon on bead stitches, wire work with cabochons, and a few other things I hope you will all like.

I hope everyone's new year is starting off grand. How will you make this year count?

1 comment:

  1. I have to say this....your mom and your family are very proud of you ! Love you LOTS !!!
